Howdy, all! I've noticed recently that all of the "cool" people are creating and maintaining blogs (namely Beth Spencer who is the most awesome person I've ever met {next to Jessie Smith who is automatically the coolest person I'm related to because she is so much like me, just a little nicer}). I'm definitely not one to allow my personal level of coolness to drop, so I'm joining the blog revolution. My life isn't extremely interesting, and I don't have a cause that I am fighting for, but I do love having an audience. I wouldn't say I'm shallow or attention-craved. I'm just extremely extroverted, and get completely energized interacting with other people.
For those of you that may be reading this and asking yourself, "Who in the world is this blogger?", please allow me to provide a little insight into where I am right now in my life.
I'm in the process of going through a divorce. Before you even start in about the sanctity of marriage and how I am a horrible person for leaving my husband, let me assure you that I honestly could not care less about what you think. Trust me, I have Deola as a grandmother. She doesn't sugar coat, and I've been beaten up enough about it over the past few months. I'm sorry if I am a disappointment to those that believe you should stay in a marriage, no matter what trials and tribulations may come. I'm a quitter. I recognize that. I own it. I embrace it. I celebrate it. I'm just not marriage material. I absolutely hate having to ask for permission and I don't like making decisions as a team. I don't need another Daddy, and I don't need anybody to help me make my dreams a reality. You may think I sound like a whinny, selfish brat. If so this is for you..."I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you think bounces off of me and sticks to you." HA! There...take that! Okay, so enough of the defensive divorcee babble for now.
My two amazingly brilliant children are Landon-18 months and Lauren-5. Lauren is Cara Jr. She is sassy, independent, strong-willed, and stubborn and doesn't let "No" stop her from getting what she wants. She's a little more sensitive than I am, but I blame that on her age. She never meets a stranger. Lauren brings so much joy into my life, and I really feel like her friend in addition to being her mother. I bought her a set of SpongeBob "Best Friends" bracelets for her birthday, and told her she could take one to school and give it to her best friend. She said that she wanted me to have it, since I was her best friend. If I were more girly, I would have cried. Instead I threw the pink bracelet on my wrist and wore it proudly with my suit to work. In 10 years, when we are fighting about her trying to date or stay out past curfew, I'll put that bracelet on to remember that at one time in our lives together, she actually considered me to be her best friend.
On the other end of the spectrum is my boy. Landon is needy, clingy, and shy. His personality is the complete opposite of mine. He refuses to go to Nursery Church every Sunday morning since I'm not there. What can I say? He loves me more than anyone else, and I like that. I never could see myself with a son before he came along, but now that I have him, I can't see myself without him. Lauren and I are very close, but there is just something special about a Mother/Son relationship. He definitely is a Momma's Boy. I hope that some of the clinginess will fade a bit as he gets older, but over the past year and a half, I haven't seen much relief in sight. Feel free to pass along any tips if you've experienced this situation with your kids.
For the first time in my short 27 years, I am living on my own. I's pathetic. I never realized that I had taken so many little things for advantage living with my husband for the past 7 years. I have been faced with killing spiders and adjusting water heater temperatures. I've unclogged drains and used a cordless drill. I hooked up the PlayStation 2 and hung a shelf. I configured and secured my wireless router. Heck, I even broke into the bathroom when Lauren and Landon accidentally locked us out of it. Being on my own is scary and exciting, all at the same time. I've mastered renting an apartment, so the next challenge is finding, buying, and moving into a house. A house! A real house! A house that is all mine! My next big goal is buying a house within the next 6-12 months. I would love to stay within the Utica Elementary School district, because Lauren is just doing so great there, but I don't know that I really want to stay in Jeff. This is a work in progress, and I'll keep you updated on any developments in this area.
Okay, so now I'm boring myself. I think I've typed enough to help you understand what I'm thinking right now. Thanks for sharing my first blog. I sure hope you will come back for more.